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Faces of NLU: Meet Tiffany Wade

A Chicago teacher discusses changing her career and finding her purpose by becoming a teacher, and why she chose to re-enroll at National Louis University.

A career path is almost never a straight line, and we know at National Louis University (NLU) that interests change, circumstances arise, and students may find themselves having to pivot from their initial path. That was the case for Tiffany Wade, a Chicago teacher who graduated with her Master of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) from NLU in 2016.

Tiffany’s path toward becoming a teacher had a couple twists and turns. She had been working in a different field for seven years when she decided to quit and pursue a teaching residency program through the Academy for Urban School Leadership (AUSL). AUSL had a partnership with NLU at the time, in which students took education classes at NLU while gaining in-classroom experience with a seasoned teacher, earning their degree and professional teaching license along the way. However, not everything went as planned, and Tiffany left the residency program without a job and “feeling discouraged about the teaching profession,” she says. 

“The experience was traumatic,” Tiffany says. “I spent the next year searching, working small jobs, and feeling unfulfilled. I knew I was better than where I was at that moment.”

Tiffany had enjoyed the classes she took at National Louis University, though, and decided to give teaching another shot.

“One day, it came to me to re-enroll in the traditional [Master of Arts in Teaching] program at National Louis,” she says. “I enrolled shortly after and never looked back.”

Why did Tiffany choose NLU again? Tiffany says her professors’ enthusiasm and the classroom community are what convinced her to re-enroll:

“National Louis provided engaging courses with professors that love what they do. I enjoyed the cohort experience and the community it fostered. I felt prepared when I graduated.”

Re-enrolling had given Tiffany a new drive and purpose, and she sustained her success throughout her M.A.T. program and into a new career.

“I graduated with a 3.9 GPA and landed a teaching job at Disney Magnet School, where I still teach. Since then, my life has only gotten better. It was a full-circle experience and I am deeply grateful for it,” Tiffany says.

For career-changers like Tiffany, NLU also offers a Credit for Prior Learning program, which makes it possible for students to earn college credit for their life and work experience. This program makes coming back to school to earn your degree more accessible and affordable, no matter how long you’ve been in the working world. NLU’s flexible class options (including online, night and weekend classes) also help working professionals achieve their educational goals while navigating busy schedules.

Tiffany encourages current NLU students to stick to their long-term goals through the inevitable challenges that arise:

“Always remember why you started. Write it down. Hang it up. Life is always going to throw challenges, but you started for a purpose. Hold on to that purpose.”

Tiffany kept her purpose in focus during her ups and downs, and she says that she’s more fulfilled than ever with her second career as a teacher.

“I love the fact that I’m fulfilled and walking in my purpose,” she says. “I am challenged daily, but I know I’m making a difference.”

Interested in our master of arts in teaching (M.A.T.) programs? For those interested in becoming a teacher, we  also offer a Year-Long Residency program, where you can earn your degree, gain classroom experience, and earn your professional teaching license in 12 months. Request more information online or call (888) 658-8632, and an Enrollment Specialist will be in touch shortly to discuss your goals.

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