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Meet Elizabeth Kaydanovsky, a trailblazing 2023 graduate from the Psy.D. program at the Illinois School of Professional Psychology (ISPP). Elizabeth has carved a unique path, combining her background in accountancy and finance with a newfound passion for psychology, earning her a distinctive place in the field.

Coming from a background in accounting and finance, Elizabeth initially didn’t foresee herself pursuing psychology. Feeling culturally nudged toward careers like accounting, law, or medicine, she chose accountancy due to her affinity for math. However, her business career revealed a deep interest in understanding the psychology of people and business, ultimately leading her back to school to become a psychologist.

Reflecting on the most rewarding part of her training, Elizabeth highlighted the impact of her work during practicum. Applying knowledge gained in clinical interviewing, assessments, and pathology courses, she witnessed the tangible difference their work made in people’s lives. This hands-on experience solidified her decision to change careers and pursue psychology.

Offering advice to prospective students, Elizabeth encourages them to apply to ISPP without self-doubt. Despite initial skepticism from others, she followed her gut and found herself in the right place at the right time. Excited about the program’s rich history and promising future, Elizabeth emphasizes the community’s strength and encourages aspiring students to be bold in pursuing their passions.

Elizabeth Kaydanovsky’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of following one’s instincts and breaking free from cultural expectations. Her fusion of financial expertise with psychological insight demonstrates the diverse and impactful contributions that graduates from programs like ISPP can bring to the world.


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