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Faces of NLU: Meet Jubenal Villanueva

Meet Jubenal Villanueva, an accomplished alumnus of National Louis University (NLU) who has not only excelled in his academic pursuits but has also made a significant impact in the banking industry. Let’s dive into Jubenal’s educational journey, his career achievements, and the values that drive him.

Jubenal, a Chicago native from the Lakeview neighborhood, embarked on his higher education journey at Triton College. It was at a school fair on Triton’s campus that he discovered NLU and its accelerated Bachelor’s degree program, conveniently held in the evenings. This accessibility appealed to Jubenal as a working professional with a family, setting the stage for his educational success.

Jubenal obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from NLU in 2021, marking a significant milestone in his educational journey. Reflecting on his time at NLU, he expressed gratitude for the opportunity to continue his education close to home and credited a chance encounter with an NLU recruiter for shaping his academic future.

Currently employed in the banking industry as a Treasury Management Consultant, Jubenal plays a crucial role in helping large insurance companies manage their financial operations. With plans to pursue a Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) certification after completing his MBA this fall, Jubenal is poised for continued success in the financial sector.

Jubenal’s favorite MBA class, MBA510 – Macroeconomics, couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. The course delved into crucial economic concepts, offering valuable insights into the rising inflation trends of Q3 2022. Jubenal found the material both personally and professionally enlightening, enhancing his understanding of the national economy.

Beyond his professional and academic endeavors, Jubenal finds joy in spending time with his family. Outdoor activities like biking on Chicagoland trails are a favorite pastime for him and his wife. Additionally, he maintains a commitment to physical fitness and indulges in his passion for golf, emphasizing the importance of a balanced and fulfilling life outside of work and school.

Jubenal’s educational journey holds particular significance as a first-generation Chicano. He takes pride in his heritage and acknowledges the sacrifices and determination of his parents, which have been driving forces behind his educational comeback. As he approaches the culmination of his MBA, Jubenal looks to inspire his own children to pursue their educational goals, emphasizing the powerful message, “Si Se Puede” (Yes, We Can).

In conclusion, Jubenal Villanueva’s story exemplifies resilience, determination, and the pursuit of excellence. His journey from Triton College to NLU, coupled with his success in the banking industry, serves as an inspiration to current and future NLU students. Jubenal’s story reminds us that with dedication and a supportive community, educational dreams can be realized, regardless of the challenges along the way.

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