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Netiquette Guide

Netiquette, or network etiquette, refers to the expected behavior when communicating electronically, such as in online courses. The following guide provides guidelines that will help ensure a respectful environment for everyone involved.

  1. Use a Respectful Tone. Communicate respectfully and inclusively, whether online, on the phone, or in person. Avoid derogatory or offensive language. Remember that everyone has the right to be treated respectfully, regardless of background or beliefs.
  2. Use Respectful Communication Techniques: Approach all interactions respectfully, adapting to the diverse communication styles in our learning community. Recognize that verbal cues, eye contact, and gestures might hold different meanings across cultures. Strive for clear and considerate expression, actively listen, and remain patient and understanding, especially in the face of technical difficulties or misunderstandings. By valuing and adapting to the wide range of communicative practices, we foster an inclusive and respectful dialogue for everyone.
  3. Use Clear Writing to Communicate: In academic discourse, we encourage clarity and strategic use of language, embracing genre-crossing, linguistic diversity, and multiple modalities. Strive to present ideas in a way that is both accessible and respectful, fostering an environment where various linguistic expressions are not just acknowledged but seen as an asset. By supporting flexible language use, we cultivate a rich, inclusive academic dialogue that respects and incorporates diverse perspectives and communication styles.
  4. Use Correct Spelling and Grammar. Be thoughtful and review your work. Thoughtful communication creates more opportunities for understanding and avoids confusion. Take the time to proofread your communications and represent your thoughts. 
  5. Be Timely. Make sure to respond promptly to communications that are sent to you. Whether your instructor sends the message, a university staff member, or a fellow student, aim to reply as soon as reasonably possible. If you anticipate it will take longer to reply, consider sending a brief note to let the other person know that you have received their message and are working on your response.


In addition to the general netiquette rules above, students can show proper netiquette by.

  1. Being respectful of all participants in the learning environment.
  2. Being prepared for class by reading the assigned material and completing any pre-class activities.
  3. Participating in class discussions by asking questions, sharing your thoughts, and contributing to the overall learning community.
  4. Communicating in a timely manner.
  5. Being aware of the different communication styles of others and being respectful of those differences.

Faculty and Staff 

Faculty and staff can demonstrate appropriate netiquette by: 

  1. Creating supportive learning environments.
  2. Communicating clearly and being open to feedback. 
  3. Responding in a timely manner.
  4. Facilitating collaborative learning and respecting student communication styles. 

Following these guidelines will help ensure a positive online learning experience for everyone involved. Remember to be respectful and timely, be mindful of your verbal and body language, and use correct spelling and grammar in your communications.

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