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The Course Map

A course map is a document that outlines the key components of a course, including learning objectives, topics, assessments, and learning activities. It serves as a blueprint for creating a well-organized and effective course. It is also one of the deliverables for the SME. 

General Design Considerations

Remember that a course Template is built so it can be maintained with minimal short- and long-term impact on limited resources (i.e., designed for sustainability), replicated in multiple sections (i.e., designed for scale), and delivered consistently by multiple instructors (i.e., designed for flexibility to give instructors agency to best meet the learning needs of their students). As you develop the Course Map:

  1. Design relevant and meaningful learning experiences that challenge students to higher level learning; use active forms of learning; include opportunities for students to receive frequent feedback on the quality of their learning (and opportunities to apply feedback in the course); use a structured sequence of different learning activities; and have a fair system for assessing and grading development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. 
  2. Design the course with consideration for the course modality (e.g., online, blended). This can include selecting appropriate learning activities and assessments that are suitable for the course modality, ensuring that the course materials are accessible and can be easily delivered in the chosen modality, and providing clear instructions and expectations for students to participate and engage in the course. By designing with the course modality in mind, we can create a more effective and engaging learning experience for our students. 
  3. Providing clear instructions and expectations: In an online course, students may need more detailed instructions and guidance on how to access and use the course materials and tools. In a blended course, students may need instructions on how to participate in in-person activities, such as where and when to attend class.
  4. Be a curator of high-quality learning resources and materials but also a creator of high-quality multimedia content that draws upon your expertise and will contribute to increased student achievement, engagement, and satisfaction.
  5. Endeavor to design with diversity, inclusion, and equity in mind (e.g., including resources from authors of many different identities and backgrounds; representing a variety of experiences in examples and case studies; reflecting a diversity of individuals in course imagery and multimedia content; modeling inclusive language; and providing multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression as recommended by Universal Design for Learning).
  6. Given a course template is intended to be delivered consistently by multiple instructors, develop an Instructor Guide for the course that includes recommendations on how to facilitate learning activities in either or both modalities (e.g., list of preterm instructor tasks specific to the course that the instructor should complete prior to making the course active, recommended agenda for synchronous meetings, explanation for assessment strategy, etc.).
  7. Strive to be device- and textbook-agnostic, when appropriate. 
  8. Avoid using Publisher Materials (e.g., PowerPoints) unless we have permission from the publisher to upload and disseminate those materials in D2L. Permission to use should be uploaded to an Instructor Resources module (hidden from students) in the course template.
  9. Adhere to the following faculty-approved and NLU-endorsed quality standards and guidelines:
    1. Apply standards from the Quality Matters Higher Education Rubric.
    2. Ensure the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for accessible design are met (e.g., accessible text and images in files, documents, LMS pages, and web pages to meet the needs of diverse learners). This also includes Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) which explain how to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities.
    3. Follow the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Guidelines to ensure consistent formatting and presentation of information, for the sake of clarity and ease of navigation, and ensure proper attribution of ideas to their original sources, for the sake of intellectual integrity.
    4. Follow U.S. Copyright Law (and fair use guidelines) and NLU Copyright Policies.
    5. Complete a Credit Hour Compliance audit to ensure consistency and appropriateness in the amount of direct and non-direct instructional hours required for a course based on the course type and number of credit hours awarded, regardless of modality and in accordance with federal, state, and accreditation requirements.

Best Practices For An Online And Blended Course Map 

Here are some best practices for completing a course map:

  1. Start with learning objectives: Define the overall goals of the course and specific learning outcomes for each module or topic. Learning objectives should be specific, measurable, and achievable.
  2. Organize topics: Identify the key topics to be covered in the course, and group them into modules or units. Make sure the topics flow logically and build upon each other.
  3. Create module overviews: Provide a brief summary of what the students will learn, do, walk away with after completing the module.
  4. Choose assessments: Determine how you will assess student learning, whether it's through quizzes, tests, essays, or projects. Align assessments with the learning objectives and make sure they measure what students are expected to learn.
  5. Design learning activities: Plan activities that engage students and reinforce learning. These could include discussions, group projects, case studies, or simulations.
  6. Search, select or create learning materials: Select instructional materials, such as lectures, readings, and presentations, that support the learning objectives and activities. Select learning materials that are current, relevant, culturally responsive, and accessible. 
  7. Revise and refine: Continuously review and revise the course map throughout the development process. Make sure each component aligns with the others and meets the overall goals of the course.

Course Map Templates

Subject Matter Expert will use the provided course map templates. Learning experience designer will provide the templates before, during, or shortly after kick-off. 

Download the online and blended course map template 

Download the one modality course map template

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