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Alumni Q&A: Nikki Romano

M.Ed. Reading Specialist '21

Literacy Coach, Nobel Dual Language Elementary School, Chicago Public Schools
Why did you choose to pursue a M.Ed. Reading Specialist degree at NLU’s National College of Education? How did our program prepare you for your current position?

I chose to pursue the M.Ed. Reading Specialist degree because I am passionate about all things reading and literacy. I wanted a deeper understanding of how to support students while learning how to read and guide teachers in best practices for literacy instruction. 

I chose NLU specifically because my principal has been a part of the NLU community for years, and I have been to events and met various professors and leaders who inspired me to become a part of the community. 

The program prepared me for my current position by giving me tools to share with my staff that aid in intervention, assessment, and instruction. It gave me experience with tutoring students, which allowed me to practice strategies and effective instruction that, in turn, I can teach my staff. Finally, the program supported my efforts in creating a stronger collective efficacy at my school around literacy instruction. 

What was most memorable about your time as an NCE student, and what was most influential to your success? 

The most memorable point as an NCE student was my hands-on clinical experience through the Summer Reading Program. I tutored students during the pandemic and witnessed the struggles and victories of virtual learning. Through this experience, I developed relationships with my students and saw positive academic and personal growth in my students. All of my professors in the Reading Specialist Program went above and beyond to ensure our experience was meaningful. They are influential leaders in reading education, and they made a difference during my time as an NCE student. 

What were the most challenging and rewarding parts of your experience as a M.Ed. Reading Specialist student? 

The most challenging part of this experience was the time commitment while also juggling a full-time teaching job. Even though this might have been difficult at certain times, the professors made sure to make our sessions interesting, engaging, and meaningful. I felt supported every step of the way. 

The most rewarding part was transferring what I was learning in my program into my everyday life as a Literacy Coach at my school. This program, my colleagues, and my professors all played significant roles in boosting my confidence and giving me tangible tools to succeed in my coaching position. 

What advice would you give prospective students interested in pursuing a career in your professional field?

I would advise them to attend NLU! The Reading Specialist program is an outstanding program that allows individuals to grow as literacy educators to impact their schools, colleagues, and students positively. This program also builds an individual's knowledge around literacy learning and instruction. It gives teachers tools and strategies to use directly with their students. These tools allow them to support all readers in their classroom intentionally and effectively. If you are on the fence, just do it! There is never a perfect time to go back to school, but at NLU you will feel supported every step of the way.

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