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Conceal and Carry Policy

Legislation that became effective on January 1, 2014 in Illinois that allows individuals with an Illinois Firearm Owner's Identification card (which is already required to purchase guns or ammunition) to obtain a concealed-carry permit, subject to various restrictions. This permit allows an individual to carry concealed firearms. Under the law, a business can elect to ban concealed firearms from being carried in their place of operation and this ban can be demonstrated by posting signs at the entry ways of such businesses.  Individuals that do bring concealed weapons onto such locations can be charged with misdemeanors and have their permits suspended or revoked.

An example of such a sign is shown below:

Copies of these signs are posted on all entry ways at our campuses. If anyone enters one of our campuses with a concealed firearm, they should be asked to leave immediately and one should call 911 if there are any issues. The University will not store firearms for a student, faculty, staff, guest or visitor  while they are on campus.

Please note that this does not negate the policy that allows authorized law enforcement officials to carry weapons on campus while fulfilling their law enforcement responsibilities or while attending classes, upon appropriate registration of such with our Criminal Justice department.

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